The Monterey Bay Half Marathon takes place next to the Monterey Bay which showcases one of the most scenic and pristine stretches of coastline in the country. The Monterey Bay Marine Sanctuary was designated a Federally protected marine area offshore California’s Central Coast in 1992.


We welcome runners and walkers to join us in April for a chance to run or walk along the “ragged edge of the western world.”  Because our organization understands the importance and urgency of developing ecologically and environmentally sound practices surrounding our events, we are taking steps to increase our environmental sustainability.  Our events impact the surrounding Monterey Peninsula communities and our efforts to “reduce, re-use, and recycle” go a long way towards keeping our destination cities both “green and pristine.”

Blue Strike Environmental
The Big Sur International Marathon would like to thank Blue Strike Environmental for their involvement with our events. With their help, the Green Team diverted 98 % of the total waste generated from their previous event!



Blue Strike Environmental has collaborated with the following partners to integrate their sustainability efforts:

What Blue Strike Environmental is doing:

  • Recycling: Bottles, can, plastic, and cardboard are recycled. Heat sheets, foil-lined wrappers, and performance nutrition packaging are also separated and up-cycled. There are no trash cans at the marathon.
  • Composting: Compostable items such as food waste, plates, and utensils are collected and sent to the Monterey Regional Waste Management’s anaerobic digester.
  • Donating: Leftover food, abandoned clothing and shoes are donated to the Food Bank for Monterey County and the Last Chance Mercantile.