Official Privacy Policy for the Big Sur International Marathon

1. Capture of Information

BSIM has partnered with the Active Network, Inc. to register you for BSIM events. Active has agreed to provide BSIM with personal information collected from people who make use of the Active services from BSIM’s website. However, be aware that Active operates independently from and has privacy and security policies wholly different from BSIM. Please contact “the” to consult its privacy policy. During the registration process BSIM, through Active, obtains personally identifiable information about you which may include your first and last name, home or other physical address including a street name or the name of your city or town, your e-mail address, date of birth, telephone number, age, gender, t-shirt size, household income, education, and profession, as well as some credit card information.

2. Use of Information

We use the information you provide about yourself to generate bib numbers which contain your name, age, gender, assigned race number, and t-shirt size. Basic entrant information (name, address, gender, age, etc.) is transferred to a timing system for use in tracking (via electronic chip) runners and recording the results. BSIM provides finisher data (name, address, and email) to MarathonFoto, the official marathon photographer, for the one-time purpose of mailing a finisher photo proof for consideration with no obligation to purchase. BSIM also provides personally identifiable information (name, address, and event) to Runner’s World Magazine, one of BSIM’s primary sponsors. We post event results on the Internet which include participant’s name, city, age, gender, and finishing time. Once a year we may provide your email address and zip code to RunningUSA in order to participate in the National Runner Survey project. Survey respondents are anonymous and the results provide BS1M with valuable information used for planning and marketing. Names and addresses of runners living outside of the Monterey Peninsula are given to the Monterey County Herald for the mailing of newspapers covering race weekend. First and last names and valid email addresses are uploaded to a file at Constant Contact for the purpose of sending e-newsletters and blast emails to race participants, finishers, and sponsors (you may “opt out” of this at anytimeFinally, we sometimes provide mailing labels containing BSIM participants’ names and addresses to local races upon request.

BSIM does not sell, rent, or provide your non-public personal information to anyone other than as stated above. Unless required by subpoena or other court order, BSIM will not disclose or share your personally identifiable information with any individual, organization, company, or non-affiliated third party. BSIM may, however, at its sole discretion, share statistical data with race sponsors or media agencies. Statistical data do not include personally identifiable information about any individual and is used for quantitative purpose only.