The enthusiastic support of cheering spectators can really help with that final push to the finish. We encourage your friends and families to come watch the race and support the runners and walkers. Spectators should keep in mind that the many road closures in effect race day may cause delays in getting from point to point; it is best to choose only one or two viewing locations. View a course map.

Race Start

The best start view is from Window on the Bay and Lake El Estero along Del Monte Avenue. It’s a short, five minute walk back to the finish area at Custom House Plaza-Monterey State Historic Park.

Cannery Row

This is a good location to see runners at mile three outgoing and mile 12 incoming to the finish. Parking is available in the Cannery Row Parking Garage or on city streets. Be sure to check ahead for road closures in this area.

Pacific Grove

Viewing opportunities are available on Lighthouse Avenue in downtown “PG” (mile 4) or at Lovers Point Park (miles 4.4 outgoing and 10.8 coming back).

Custom House Plaza-Monterey State Historic Park

Watch the exciting elite finish at the Custom House Plaza-Monterey State Historic Park adjacent to Fisherman’s Wharf and behind the Portola Hotel & Spa. Parking is available at the nearby Wharf Parking Lot after 9:00 AM on race day.

We look forward to having your join us race day to cheer on our runners and walkers! Your support and encouragement are invaluable to our participants.

Drive the Route Before the Race

We encourage all race participants to drive the beautiful coastal route in advance and take in some of our local attractions along the way. Visit the shops and restaurants along Cannery Row and be sure to stop in downtown Pacific Grove to enjoy the quaint architecture and numerous shops. After attending the Expo, take a walk down historic Alvarado Street or head to Fisherman’s Wharf on the water for a free sampling of clam chowder.