Event Date:November 8-9, 2025

The Ocean View Challenge combo Package: for those who would like to run Saturday’s Pacific Grove Lighthouse 5K and Sunday’s Monterey Bay Half Marathon at a discounted entry fee. Special finisher medallions will be awarded to those who complete both races. The Active Duty Military discount does not apply to this event category.



Registration for OVC will open in late May of 2025.


The Saturday OVC 5K bib and Sunday Half Marathon bib will be two separate bibs with different numbers. Entrants can pick up both bibs at the Expo on Friday, November 7, from 12 noon to 6 PM.

Those picking up for the OVC 5K on race day will receive their 5K bib only. They will need to go to the Expo between 9:30 AM and 6 PM to pick up their Half Marathon bib and shirt.


For race-day details about each event please refer to the Race Information tabs for the 5K and/or Half Marathon.